Multichannel recorders employ four head assemblies which are precisely positioned on a single baseplate to ensure alignment with the tape. 多通道记录仪中有四个磁头组件,精确地安置在同一块底板上,以保证与磁带对准。
The Print Head Alignment utility fixes misaligned vertical lines and gaps between black and other colors. 打印头校准工具纠正没有校准的垂直线和黑色与其它颜色之间的空隙。
The paper described in detail the way and workmanship of centering of double head universal coupling during shafting alignment onboard high performance crafts that have flexible hulls. 本文详细阐述了具有柔性船体的高性能船体上轴系对中过程中双头万向联轴节的定位法和工艺。
The emphases of head design are detection of silicon-cantilever probe deformation and design of laser alignment sector. 测头设计的重点是硅悬臂变形检测系统和激光光路调整机构。